
The Motto : Selfless Service to Others.

Rovers-Rangers are the senior wing of Scouting and Guiding. Started in 1918 by Lord Powell, the founder of Scouting Movement, the scheme sponsored by the GOI, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, inspires the youth in the colleges and universities and motivates them to the social awareness and ideals of civic life.

A Rover (Male Scout) / Ranger (Female Scout) after joining the scheme would make promise for social service. He/she takes the oath - "On my honours, I promise that I will do my best, to do my duty to God and my country, to help other people at all times, and to obey the Scout Guide Law."

Any regular student of the college between the age group of 15 to 25 yrs can be enlisted as Rover (Boy) / Ranger (Girl)

Group Leaders / Program Officers -

1- Ms. Nivedita Singh (Incharge- Rangers/ Women Section),

     Assistant Professor in History, Mob. - +919452845981

2- Dr Sateesh Kumar Rai (Incharge- Rovers/ Men Section),

     Assistant Professors in Defence Studies, Mob. - +919415069522
